
Register as an organ donor and ensure life after death – ancient Egyptian-style – The Independent

The Independent

Register as an organ donor and ensure life after death – ancient Egyptian-style
The Independent
Of the 500,000 people who die in the UK every year, only 5,000 of those do so in circumstances in which organ donation is possible. This is to say, in hospital, and usually having been kept alive on a ventilator first. Sometimes people who die while
UK organ donation scheme hailedBelfast Telegraph
Organ Donation: NHS Considers Major ChangesSky News
Britain’s NHS considering transplant priority for those on organ donor listsIrish Examiner
Scottish Daily Record –Southport Visiter –The Times (subscription)
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Court order trumps family's wish to stop son's organ donation – Columbus Dispatch


Court order trumps family’s wish to stop son’s organ donation
Columbus Dispatch
We do not want our son to be an organ donor,” she wrote. That led Lifeline to file a complaint in Franklin County probate court yesterday at 10:15 a.m. Ohio Revised Code bars anyone other than the donor from amending or revoking an organ donation.
Columbus Man’s Organs Donated Despite Mom’s Plea10TV
Court: Ohioan’s organs donated despite mom’s pleaSan Francisco Chronicle
Ohioan’s organs donated despite mom’s pleaAkron Beacon Journal

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Mending Broken Hearts: New Machine Could Increase Number Of Transplants – Sky Tyne and Wear

Mending Broken Hearts: New Machine Could Increase Number Of Transplants
Sky Tyne and Wear
Mending Broken Hearts: New Machine Could Increase Number Of Transplants. By India Adams Location: Sunderland. play video Dr Noel Carter, senior lecturer in molecular biology at the University of Sunderland’s Faculty of Applied Sciences, said

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