
Surrey man turns to India for transplant donor after years waiting in BC (w … – Vancouver Desi

Vancouver Desi

Surrey man turns to India for transplant donor after years waiting in BC (w
Vancouver Desi
The only thing that could make his life “completely normal again” is a kidney transplant — a South Asian donor his most-likely match, but with incredibly low organ donation rates among B.C.’s South Asian community, Thind has been told he could wait up


READER SUBMITTED: "Kym's Kause" Motorcycle Ride Raises Over $5000 For … – Hartford Courant

Hartford Courant

READER SUBMITTED: “Kym’s Kause” Motorcycle Ride Raises Over $5000 For
Hartford Courant
The event raised more than $5,000 for organ and tissue donation awareness. “Kym has been a catalyst for change, helping to make people understand the critical importance of organ donation,” said LifeChoice Public Education Specialist Caitlyn Bernabucci.

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