
58000 Californians to lose current insurance under Obamacare – Daily Caller

Daily Caller

58000 Californians to lose current insurance under Obamacare
Daily Caller
The nation’s largest health insurance company has decided to stop covering individuals in the nation’s largest state. UnitedHealth Group Inc. said that it will not participate in California’s individual health insurance market beginning Jan. 1, 2014

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Opt-out organ donation scheme given go-ahead in Wales – The Guardian

The Guardian

Opt-out organ donation scheme given go-ahead in Wales
The Guardian
We have been working to improve the rate of organ donation and have had some success, but we’re looking to take the next step forward. “Around a third of the Welsh population is on the organ donor register, but well over two-thirds in surveys say they
Wales votes for ‘presumed consent’ organ donationFRANCE 24
Organ donation opt out plan passed in WalesTelegraph.co.uk
Wales becomes first country in the UK to approve opt-out organ donation systemMetro
BBC News –Sky News –IBTimes.co.uk
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