
New National Toy Hall Of Fame To Be Housed At Rochester Museum – Huffington Post

New National Toy Hall Of Fame To Be Housed At Rochester Museum
Huffington Post
Price: Free, though donations accepted. Search and compare <a href=”http://www.cheapflights.com/flights-to-india/” target=”_hplink”>cheap flights to India</a>. Photo credit: <a href=”http://www.sulabhinternational.org” target=”_hplink”>Sulabh

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Facebook's organ donor status sends registrations soaring – The Randolph Guide

Facebook’s organ donor status sends registrations soaring
The Randolph Guide
SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook’s addition of a way for its users to tell people their organ-donor status helped boost the number of people who registered as donors 21-fold in one day. Two weeks after the social networking website set up the profile
Facebook status boosts organ donor registration; how to update yoursWashington Times
Organ-donor sign-ups went way up during Facebook initiativeMinnPost.com
Social media helps with increased organ donationsWNCN
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