
American Medical Association: Blood donation ban for men who have sex with … – CBS News

CBS News

American Medical Association: Blood donation ban for men who have sex with
CBS News
The American Medical Association voted on Tuesday to recommend that men who have sex with men be allowed to donate blood, which is in direct opposition to the Food and Drug Administration’s lifetime ban. “The lifetime ban on blood donation for men 
AMA Requests End to Gay Blood Donation BanGayapolis
US doctors urge reversal of gay blood banFRANCE 24
Ban on gay men donating blood should be lifted, American Medical Association New York Daily News
The Inquisitr
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Blood Donation: Noble Decision – TopNews Arab Emirates

TopNews Arab Emirates

Blood Donation: Noble Decision
TopNews Arab Emirates
Blood Donation: Noble Decision Blood donation is a great decision and reflects that donor is thinking of saving others’ lives. This is the reason when a person comes to the Western Province Blood Transfusion Service (WPTS) to donate blood then its
The Indian High Commission in Dhaka will organise a voluntary blood donation Bangladesh News 24 hours
Blood drive Friday, SaturdayFH Times

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