
Facebook Boosts Organ Donor Registration – Medical News Today

New York Daily News

Facebook Boosts Organ Donor Registration
Medical News Today
The rise was seen in May 2012 when Facebook developed a way for people to share their organ donor status with friends. The social-networking site allowed users to make their status official on state department of motor vehicle websites by providing
Facebook’s Organ Donor Status Spurs Boost in AwarenessBloomberg
Governor push for student organ donor programmeTimes of India
Facebook Helped Boost Organ Donor RegistrationYahoo! News
TIME (blog) –Eagle-Tribune –Wired.co.uk
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A donor is prepared in an operating room before a kidney transplant at Johns … – Slate Magazine (blog)

A donor is prepared in an operating room before a kidney transplant at Johns
Slate Magazine (blog)
On May 1, 2012, Facebook added an option for users to share their organ-donor status on their timelines. Nearly Organ donation is something that people know they ought to do for the good of others, but there’s little individual incentive. The


GOP staffer claims to live on food stamps without problems, suggests cutting more – Daily Caller

GOP staffer claims to live on food stamps without problems, suggests cutting more
Daily Caller
To be sure, hot food and food eaten within a store are not SNAP eligible purchases. The food he has left over, Stockman’s office explained in their press release, will be donated to a food bank, along with the $3.92 left over. Ferguson’s shopping list


Elbert Guillory: Democrats have ignored problems facing the black community – Daily Caller

Elbert Guillory: Democrats have ignored problems facing the black community
Daily Caller
What pushed Louisiana state Sen. Elbert Guillory to become a Republican was some idle talk about racism from a state Democratic Party official. After Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson’s assertion that opponents to Obamacare 


Frequently asked questions on blood donation – E-Pao.net


Frequently asked questions on blood donation
Frequently asked questions on blood donation – Part 1 -. Dr A Meina Singh *. Blood Donation at The Great June Uprising Observation at Kekrupat on June 18 2013 :: Pix – Deepak Oinam. 1. What is blood? What are its components and their functions? Blood
World Blood Donor Day – Sangam University Bhilwara Takes up Voluntary Blood India PRwire (press release)
Trustee Says 1% Project Aims At Increasing Voluntary Blood DonationCHANNELS
Blood Donor’s Day heldBaguio Midland Courier
Indian Express –Mmegi Online
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Health minister proposes allowing surrogacy for gay couples and singles – Haaretz


Health minister proposes allowing surrogacy for gay couples and singles
The Health Ministry also is pushing for major changes to organ donation laws. Every Israeli with a driver’s license would automatically be added to the country’s organ donor list unless they explicitly refuse, under an initiative by German and the

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More Organ-Donor Testing is Advised – Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

More Organ-Donor Testing is Advised
Wall Street Journal
Organs harvested from deceased donors can only be used for a short period of time, and pathogens like HIV or hepatitis don’t immediately show up on tests, evading detection for weeks, if not months. Tests with shorter turnaround times—like the ones 
Senate Passes Bill Ending Ban On HIV-Positive Organ Donation ResearchLez Get Real
Senate Passes HIV Organ Policy Equity Act by Unanimous ConsentFrontiers LA (blog)
Organ Transplant Legislation, Co-Sponsored by Capps, Approved by US SenateNoozhawk
Imperial Valley News
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