
April Is 'Organ Donation Month' in Huntington – Patch.com

Windsor Star (blog)

April Is ‘Organ Donation Month’ in Huntington
By declaring April Organ Donation Month, the board hopes to provide an opportunity to help people learn more about organ donation. Board members also aim to help recognize the critical need for organ, eye, tissue, bone marrow and blood donation.
NASCAR driver encourages organ donationIowa City Press Citizen
Be a hero, be an organ donor, says Windsor manWindsor Star (blog)
Man signs up as organ donor, then shoots himselfThe Local.es
Post-Tribune –DigitalJournal.com –Deming Headlight
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Knysz family: Organ donation could save 7 – WOODTV.com

New York Daily News

Knysz family: Organ donation could save 7
Then, she said, the family decided to follow a decision Knysz had made several years ago to become an organ donor. Doctors, she said, told the family it could help save seven lives — something that is helping her family grieve. “Of course, we’re
Father of Trooper Killer Eric Knysz: My Son Will Soon be DeadFox17
Convict Eric Knysz’s Death May Save Lives – WLNS TV 6 Lansing – Jackson WLNS
Knysz clinically brain dead after failed suicide attemptUpNorthLive.com

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