
Pa. girl who took on organ donor rules gets lung – Buzz Log

Buzz Log

Pa. girl who took on organ donor rules gets lung
Buzz Log
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The 10-year-old Pennsylvania girl whose efforts to qualify for a transplant drew public debate over how organ donation should be done is getting a new lung. A spokeswoman for Sarah Murnaghan’s family said that Murnaghan, who
Pa. girl whose plight stirred debate on organ donation still in surgeryWashington Post
Pennsylvania girl who took on organ donor rules gets lungAsbury Park Press
Pa. girl whose plight stirred debate on organ donation gets adult lungs for Newser

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Organ Donation Through A Lens award chooses finalists – Creative Review (blog)

Creative Review (blog)

Organ Donation Through A Lens award chooses finalists
Creative Review (blog)
This year’s competition asked for films that urged people to have a conversation and pass on their organ donation preferences to their families, and to encourage people to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register. The film-makers range from teenagers,
Short film by MK teens raises awareness of organ donationMKWeb
Holly hopes to land major film prizeStourbridge News
Towy Valley teen’s patients’ transplant film up for awardSouth Wales Guardian

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Short film by MK teens raises awareness of organ donation – MKWeb

Short film by MK teens raises awareness of organ donation
Two teenagers from Milton Keynes have seen their short film nominated to win £1,000 and camera equipment. Carl Mason and Lewis Thompson, both 15, have been shortlisted as finalists in the annual ‘Organ Donation Through A Lens’ short film competition,
Towy Valley teen’s patients’ transplant film up for awardSouth Wales Guardian

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Cannes 2013: 'We have worked very hard to change the 'poor execution … – Campaign India

Cannes 2013: ‘We have worked very hard to change the ‘poor execution
Campaign India
Recounting the making of the campaign, Sridhar said, “They wanted to make a campaign on organ donation and got a small copywriter to write the script. They then presented the idea to us and we instantly liked it. But they had very tight budget. So we

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