
READER SUBMITTED: "Kym's Kause" Annual Motorcycle Ride Benefits Organ … – Hartford Courant

Hartford Courant

READER SUBMITTED: “Kym’s Kause” Annual Motorcycle Ride Benefits Organ
Hartford Courant
“Kym has been a catalyst for change, helping to make people understand the critical importance of organ donation,” said LifeChoice Public Education Specialist Caitlyn Bernabucci. “There’s no telling how many lives she has saved with her story.” Back in


Soher Ebrahim Egyptian Girl, 13, Dies After Illegal Female Genital Mutilation … – Huffington Post UK

Soher Ebrahim Egyptian Girl, 13, Dies After Illegal Female Genital Mutilation
Huffington Post UK
Soher’s uncle told the newspaper the doctor in question had offered her family 20,000 Egyptian pounds (around GBP1,850) if they did not file a complaint against him. Al Arabiya reports the Indian women react as they watch a play sensitizing women

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