
Why we should have an 'Opt Out' organ donation policy – MSNBC


Why we should have an ‘Opt Out’ organ donation policy
In a week of NSA and DNA and MLB, a 10-year-old girl has captured national and world attention. Sarah Murnaghan is dying of end-stage cystic fibrosis in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She has been waiting for lung transplant for a year and a
Judge’s Ruling On Young Girl’s Transplant Challenges The US Organ Donation TIME (blog)
Changing the age requirement for lung transplantsWEAR
Long Waiting List for Lung TransplantsWIFR

all 32 news articles »


IRS lawyer who oversaw conservative targeting is retiring and his Facebook … – Daily Caller

Daily Caller

IRS lawyer who oversaw conservative targeting is retiring and his Facebook
Daily Caller
Carter Hull, the Washington-based IRS lawyer who oversaw targeting of conservative groups beginning in 2010, will retire this summer. Hull was fingered in interviews with two IRS employees as the overseer of the agency’s improper targeting of

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Judge's Ruling On Young Girl's Transplant Challenges The US Organ Donation … – TIME (blog)

ABC News

Judge’s Ruling On Young Girl’s Transplant Challenges The US Organ Donation
TIME (blog)
It’s a life or death matter: Who gets the next scarce donated organ? In an unprecedented challenge to the nation’s transplant system, a federal judge has allowed one dying child — and a day later another — to essentially jump the line in rulings that
Why we should have an ‘Opt Out’ organ donation policyMSNBC
Changing the age requirement for lung transplantsWEAR
Intervention in transplant process dismays some expertsPittsburgh Post Gazette

all 52 news articles »


Steyn: Holder taking US from a 'respectable society' to something 'far more … – Daily Caller

Steyn: Holder taking US from a ‘respectable society’ to something ‘far more
Daily Caller
Conservative commentator Mark Steyn explained Thursday why the federal government’s phone records data collection is disturbing: because it falls in the context of other alleged misdeeds by that same government. “I wouldn’t be were it not for the