
No Support For Broad Screening Of Chronic Kidney Disease – Forbes


No Support For Broad Screening Of Chronic Kidney Disease
Although taught in medical school and widely used in clinical practice, broad screening of otherwise healthy people for chronic kidney disease (CKD) is unwarranted, according to new recommendations from the American College of Physicians published in 
ACP recommends against screening for chronic kidney disease in adults without Medical Xpress
ACP recommends against routine screening for chronic kidney diseaseScience Codex
Don’t Routinely Test for Kidney Disease in Those Without Symptoms: ExpertsPhilly.com
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ACP recommends against routine screening for chronic kidney disease – Science Codex

ACP recommends against routine screening for chronic kidney disease
Science Codex
Finding no direct evidence that addresses the benefits of screening for stage 1-3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) and citing potential harms of tests, the American College of Physicians (ACP) recommends against screening for CKD in asymptomatic adults 
Don’t Routinely Test for Kidney Disease in Those Without Symptoms: ExpertsPhilly.com

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Archway mother struck down by mystery heart failure 'turns blue' in front of … – Islington Gazette

Islington Gazette

Archway mother struck down by mystery heart failure ‘turns blue’ in front of
Islington Gazette
Recording a verdict of death by natural causes, the coroner said: “She died of cardiac dysrhythmia – heart failure – without any real explanation as to why. “She was a healthy lady with a normal heart and nothing was identified which could cause her


Jo developed liver cirrhosis after drinking three bottles of wine every day – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Jo developed liver cirrhosis after drinking three bottles of wine every day
Daily Mail
‘People think I’m pregnant but I’ve got liver failure‘: Woman has 23 LITRES of fluid drained from her abdomen every 3 WEEKS after binge drinking wrecks her body. Jo developed liver cirrhosis after drinking three bottles of wine every day; Excessive

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