
Updated chronic kidney disease guideline aims to increase prognosis accuracy – NephrologyNews.com

Updated chronic kidney disease guideline aims to increase prognosis accuracy
An updated, global version of the National Kidney Foundation Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) guideline “Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation, Classification, Stratification” will be released Dec. 28 by the Kidney Disease: Risk

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Doctors fear Delhi gangrape victim heading towards multiple organ failure – India Today

India Today

Doctors fear Delhi gangrape victim heading towards multiple organ failure
India Today
They fear the victim, admitted in the ICU, may be heading towards multiple organ failure as her condition further deteriorated on Monday. “She is in a serious condition. She is suffering internal bleeding as the coagulation capacity of her body has
Gangrape survivor remains critical, doctors fear organ failureHindustan Times
Rape victim’s condition continues to be critical: DoctorsTimes of India
Rape victim’s condition continues to be criticalThe Hindu
Daily News & Analysis
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