
Researchers warn heart failure care in the UK is 'inadequate' – Yorkshire Post

Yorkshire Post

Researchers warn heart failure care in the UK is ‘inadequate’
Yorkshire Post
The findings by a team at Durham University and Darlington Memorial Hospital, funded by the charity Heart Research UK in Leeds, detail inadequacies in heart failure care, as well as an uncoordinated approach to diagnosis and management of the condition …
CARE of heart failure patients in the UK is inadequate and has not changed in The Northern Echo
Heart failure failures pinpointed in reportITV News

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It's Time to Address the Public Health Threat of Chronic Kidney Disease … – Roll Call

It’s Time to Address the Public Health Threat of Chronic Kidney Disease
Roll Call
Chronic kidney disease came as a surprise to Nancy Vice of Warminster, Pa. Severe, unexplained back pain at age 27 sent her to the hospital, where she received her diagnosis and learned she would immediately have to begin dialysis or receive a kidney …
Trillium clinic assists those with kidney diseaseMississauga

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MADIT-CRT: Resynchronization Ups Survival in Patients with Mild Heart Failure … – TCTMD

MADIT-CRT: Resynchronization Ups Survival in Patients with Mild Heart Failure
Among patients with mild heart failure, only those who have left bundle branch block (LBBB) stand to gain better long-term survival from receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) in addition to a defibrillator. In contrast, those without the
Boston Scientific’s MADIT-CRT study shows sustained survival benefit for mild pharmabiz.com
Positive MADIT-CRT Data at Boston ScientificZacks.com
Boston Scientific Reports Key Data For CRT, Platinum Chromium Stents, TAVRRTT News
The Providence Journal
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A New Novartis Heart Failure Drug Might Be A Blockbuster – Forbes

Headlines & Global News

A New Novartis Heart Failure Drug Might Be A Blockbuster
I try to avoid using words like “blockbuster” and “breakthrough” when writing about new drugs and treatments. I’ve been disappointed too many times. But, though they’ve been in short supply lately in cardiovascular medicine, sometimes there really are …
DMC recommends early closure of Novartis’ study of LCZ696 for chronic heart pharmabiz.com
Novartis to Seek Approval Earlier than Expected for Chronic Heart Failure Headlines & Global News
Novartis’ dual-action heart failure drug aces trialPMLiVE
Wall Street Journal –The Almagest –Reuters
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