
Married for 71 years, a husband and wife die of heart failure just days apart – Naples Daily News

Daily Mail

Married for 71 years, a husband and wife die of heart failure just days apart
Naples Daily News
FORT MEADE, Fla. (AP) — A Central Florida couple married for 71 years died just days apart. The Ledger of Lakeland reports Arno and Myrtle Birdsong were remembered by more than 100 people who attended their funeral on Saturday at the First Church of 
Couple married for 71 years are buried together after they died ‘of broken Daily Mail
Couple married for 71 years die ‘of broken hearts’ just two days apartIrish Independent
Couple married 71 years die just days apartWTSP 10 News
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Couple married for 71 years are buried together after they died 'of broken … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Couple married for 71 years are buried together after they died ‘of broken
Daily Mail
A couple married for 71 years have been buried side-by-side after dying just two days apart. Relatives said they believe Myrtle and Herbert ‘Arno’ Birdsong from Fort Meade, Florida died of broken hearts. Mrs Birdsong, 88, died of heart failure on
Couple married for 71 years die ‘of broken hearts’ just two days apartIrish Independent
Fla. couple buried together after 71 year marriageWink News

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Astute Medical To Host Acute Kidney Injury Symposium At CRRT 2014 – PR Newswire (press release)

Astute Medical To Host Acute Kidney Injury Symposium At CRRT 2014
PR Newswire (press release)
SAN DIEGO, March 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Leading critical care experts will discuss biomarkers for risk assessment of acute kidney injury (AKI) at an educational symposium to be held at the19th International Conference on Advances In Critical Care 
New Study Validates NephroCheck® Test For Risk Of Acute Kidney InjuryPR Newswire UK (press release)

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New Study Validates NephroCheck® Test For Risk Of Acute Kidney Injury – SYS-CON Media (press release)

New Study Validates NephroCheck® Test For Risk Of Acute Kidney Injury
SYS-CON Media (press release)
SAN DIEGO, March 3, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — A multi-center study published online in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM) validates the performance of the CE-marked NephroCheck® Test, which assesses a critically ill 

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