
Necklace sensor could be early warning system for heart failure – mobihealthnews


Necklace sensor could be early warning system for heart failure
Necklace-21-Fev-043-2-300×221 A startup called Perminova is developing a necklace for clinical use that can track a number of vital signs including thoracic fluid levels, an early predictor of congestive heart failure that isn’t currently monitored by
Perminova Aims to Monitor Chest Fluid for Early Detection of Heart Failure and Medgadget.com

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Aetna collaborates with Medtronic to assess congestive heart failure patients – MedCity News

MedCity News

Aetna collaborates with Medtronic to assess congestive heart failure patients
MedCity News
heart Aetna (NYSE: AET) CEO Mark Bertolini renewed his call to make treating the 5 percent of people with chronic conditions and account for a disproportionate portion of healthcare costs a higher priority in order to reduce healthcare costs longterm
Aetna CEO Bertolini Outlines ‘Creative Destruction’ Of Healthcare At HIMSS14Forbes
With Consumers Facing a ‘Rat Maze,’ Insurer Tries to Create New Set of NormsHealth Data Management
Aetna’s two future businesses: Consumer health and ACOsmobihealthnews

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