
Mood Stabilizing Drug Helps Acute Kidney Injury? – Ivanhoe

Mood Stabilizing Drug Helps Acute Kidney Injury?
(Ivanhoe Newswire) –There are currently no effective therapies to treat acute kidney injury (AKI). However, a recent study has found that a mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar affective disorders may also treat AKI. AKI is a potentially serious
Acute kidney injury due to anti-tuberculosis drugs: a five-year experience in 7thSpace Interactive (press release)

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Researchers find comparable long-term outcomes between diastolic, systolic … – Science Daily (press release)

Researchers find comparable long-term outcomes between diastolic, systolic
Science Daily (press release)
Jan. 9, 2014 — A new study by researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) and Boston Medical Center (BMC) found comparable long-term outcomes between congestive heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction commonly 


Lithium May Help Treat Acute Kidney Injury – Counsel & Heal

Counsel & Heal

Lithium May Help Treat Acute Kidney Injury
Counsel & Heal
Mood stabilizer drugs like lithium may help treat acute kidney injury, according to a new study. Researchers said the findings are important because there are no effective therapies for acute kidney injury. Acute kidney injury is becoming increasing
Mood stabilizing drug may help treat acute kidney injuryEurekAlert (press release)
Lithium May Promote Recovery in Acute Kidney InjuryDoctors Lounge
Ray of hope for kidney patientsDaily News & Analysis

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Mood Stabilizing Drug May Help Treat Acute Kidney Injury – RedOrbit

Counsel & Heal

Mood Stabilizing Drug May Help Treat Acute Kidney Injury
A mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar affective disorders may also help treat acute kidney injury, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). The findings are significant because
Lithium May Help Treat Acute Kidney InjuryCounsel & Heal

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