
CCS issues guidelines to improve early diagnosis and effective treatment of … – Medical Xpress

CCS issues guidelines to improve early diagnosis and effective treatment of
Medical Xpress
The Children’s Heart Failure Study Group of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, in collaboration with the Canadian Pediatric Cardiology Association, has developed new guidelines to assist practitioners in primary care and emergency departments to 

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CCS issues guidelines to improve early diagnosis & effective treatment of … – EurekAlert (press release)

CCS issues guidelines to improve early diagnosis & effective treatment of
EurekAlert (press release)
Philadelphia, PA, December 11, 2013 – Heart failure in children is an important cause of childhood health problems and death. The Children’s Heart Failure Study Group of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society, in collaboration with the Canadian Pediatric 

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Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Kidney Disease – Pipeline Review, H2 2013 – SBWire (press release)

Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Kidney Disease – Pipeline Review, H2 2013
SBWire (press release)
‘Hyperphosphatemia In Chronic Kidney Disease – Pipeline Review, H2 2013′, provides an overview of the indications therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Hyperphosphatemia In Chronic Kidney Disease

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Innovative Program Doubles Patient Engagement, Cuts Heart Failure … – Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)

Innovative Program Doubles Patient Engagement, Cuts Heart Failure
Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)
SEATTLE, Dec. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — A San Diego medical group’s disease management program increased patient engagement rates from 28% to 67%, leading to a decline in both hospitalizations and 30-day readmissions for program participants.

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Innovative Program Doubles Patient Engagement, Cuts Heart Failure … – PR Newswire (press release)

Innovative Program Doubles Patient Engagement, Cuts Heart Failure
PR Newswire (press release)
SEATTLE, Dec. 11, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — A San Diego medical group’s disease management program increased patient engagement rates from 28% to 67%, leading to a decline in both hospitalizations and 30-day readmissions for program participants.

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