
Supplement linked to liver failure, hepatitis recalled – UPI.com

Food Safety News

Supplement linked to liver failure, hepatitis recalled
“As soon as we suspected a possible link between OxyElite Pro products and cases of liver failure and non-viral hepatitis in Hawaii, we warned the public and immediately began an investigation with state officials and the Centers for Disease Control
Woman files suit in dietary supplement case tied to liver failureHonolulu Star-Advertiser
Diet Supplement Recalled After Being Linked to Liver Failure and DeathFood Consumer
OxyElite Pro Supplements RecalledFDA.gov
Food Safety News –Courthouse News Service
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Girl, seven, died of liver and heart failure three days after medics … – Daily Mail

Daily Mail

Girl, seven, died of liver and heart failure three days after medics
Daily Mail
But despite having blue lips – a sign of organ failure – Dr Raka Banerjee said the schoolgirl was ‘fine’ and sent her home. Discharged: Simran Dhesi, seven, was released from the Accident and Emergency department at Sandwell But the following day
Parents of tragic Simran say lessons must be learnedexpressandstar.com

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UK's first gene therapy trial for patients with chronic heart failure begins … – News-Medical.net

Science Codex

UK’s first gene therapy trial for patients with chronic heart failure begins
The UK’s first gene therapy trial for advanced heart failure, CUPID 2, has officially begun at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital (GJNH); with the first candidate recently being administered with a dose of the MYDICAR treatment. The GJNH, home of the 
Study: Genes delivered directly to heart stymie heart failureFierceDrugDelivery
31 months of Gene Therapy Benefits Advanced Heart Failure PatientsNext Big Future
Long-lasting gene therapy benefits advanced heart failure patientsMedical Xpress

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Government's decision to subsidise a chronic heart failure medicine – The International News Magazine

The International News Magazine

Government’s decision to subsidise a chronic heart failure medicine
The International News Magazine
The National Heart Foundation of Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to subsidise a chronic heart failure medicine, saying it will help improve the quality of life for many of the 300,000 people living with the debilitating disease.


LoneStar Heart Reports Positive Interim Results of Algisyl-LVR® for Advanced … – EIN News (press release)

LoneStar Heart Reports Positive Interim Results of Algisyl-LVR® for Advanced
EIN News (press release)
Entitled, “A Multicenter, Randomized Study Assessing the Efficacy of Left Ventricular Augmentation with Algisyl-LVR in the Treatment of Advanced Heart Failure Patients with Ischemic and Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathy,” the presentation was made by 

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