
Piracy lies at the heart of India-Italy showdown – Daily News & Analysis

Economic Times

Piracy lies at the heart of India-Italy showdown
Daily News & Analysis
In response to the sudden u-turn by the Italian government by refusal to return of the naval guards, charged with killing of two Indian fishermen last year, India’s Ministry of External Affairs summoned the Italian Ambassador, Daniele Mancini, to
2 Italian soldiers won’t return to India for trialWGCL Atlanta

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Ganesh Pyne, top Indian artist, dies from heart attack – BBC News

BBC News

Ganesh Pyne, top Indian artist, dies from heart attack
BBC News
One of India’s most famous artists, Ganesh Pyne, has died in a hospital in the eastern city of Calcutta aged 76 after suffering a heart attack. Influenced by paintings of Rembrandt and Indian artist Abanindranath Tagore, Pyne was one of the founders of
Legendary painter Ganesh Pyne passes awayNDTV
Painter Ganesh Pyne is no moreindiablooms

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Heart diseases not a modern ill, mummies show – Times of India

ABC News

Heart diseases not a modern ill, mummies show
Times of India
Professor Randall Thompson, of Saint Luke’s Heart Institute in Kansas City, said, “The fact that we found similar levels of atherosclerosis in all of the different cultures we studied, all of whom had very different lifestyles and diets, suggests that
Heart attacks and strokes may be as old as 4000 yearsZee News
Artery blocks not so modernCalcutta Telegraph

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