
Video shows Syria rebel eating dead soldier's heart – Times of India

Zee News

Video shows Syria rebel eating dead soldier’s heart
Times of India
BEIRUT: Human Rights Watch and the Syrian opposition National Coalition have condemned a gruesome video apparently showing a Syrian rebel fighter cutting out the heart of a regime soldier and eating it. “International news agencies and social media
Syrian rebel shown eating soldier’s heart in a gruesome videoZee News
Syrian rebel ‘eats soldier’s heart‘ – IndiaTVNews.comindiatvnews.com
Syrian rebel bites heart of dead soldier: VideoDaily News & Analysis

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Smartphones And Tablets Increases The Risk Of Heart Attack Study – Siliconindia.com


Smartphones And Tablets Increases The Risk Of Heart Attack Study
Gianna in her research asked 26 heart patients with Implantable Cardiac Devices (ICDs) to hold an iPad 2 from a readable distance. The iPad did not affect the ICDs at this length and caused no electromagnetic interference. However, the patients were
An iPad smart cover could switch off your pacemaker accidentallyDaily News & Analysis

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