
Mandela responding to treatment but still critical – Times of India

Times of India

Mandela responding to treatment but still critical
Times of India
Mandela was rushed to a Pretoria hospital on June 8 over a recurring lung infection. Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo, who is one of Mandela’s nephew and king of his Thembu tribe, told AFP Wednesday the former statesman was “conscious”. “He could not talk, but 
Lasting Legacy: Nelson Mandela’s Evolution as a Strategic LeaderKnowledge@Wharton
Mandela is critical but stable: SA Presidencyindiablooms
Mandela still critical but stableOneindia
Lock Haven Express –Daily News & Analysis –Windsor Star
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Traffic fumes up lung cancer risk – Times of India

Times of India

Traffic fumes up lung cancer risk
Times of India
Even low level exposure to traffic fumes is enough to raise the risk of lung cancer, a large European study has revealed. The new research, that analysed pooled information from 17 studies in nine European countries, has found that people’s chances of 
Air pollution linked to higher risk of lung cancer and heart failureThe Guardian

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Yogic asanas that can heal – Times of India

Times of IndiaYogic asanas that can healTimes of IndiaHold breath for 10 seconds. At this moment, the weight of the body should be resting on the abdomen. Exhale slowly and bring your body back to the floor. Repeat six times. Benefits: Relief from asth…


Lasting Legacy: Nelson Mandela's Evolution as a Strategic Leader – Knowledge@Wharton

Lock Haven Express

Lasting Legacy: Nelson Mandela’s Evolution as a Strategic Leader
He was at first committed to non-violence, inspired by Gandhi’s successful opposition to British colonial rule in India. Mandela fell ill intermittently and contracted nasty lung infections, including tuberculosis, due to his years in damp prison
Mandela still critical but stableOneindia
Sharon Taylor talks about Nelson Mandela and Women’s World CupLock Haven Express
Nelson Mandela spends one month in hospital, still criticalDaily News & Analysis
indiablooms –Times of India –Windsor Star
all 272 news articles »