
Bruckner's music not a political problem for Mehta, Israel Philharmonic – Chicago Classical Review

Chicago Classical Review

Bruckner’s music not a political problem for Mehta, Israel Philharmonic
Chicago Classical Review
Conceived on a vast scale, with performances typically taking more than an hour and 20 minutes, the symphony has dark, organ-like sonorities, moments of shattering drama, a grave Adagio as long as an entire Mozart symphony and a blazing, thundering


Wesley Warren Jr, Man With 10 Stone Testicles, Dies Aged 49 – Huffington Post UK

Wesley Warren Jr, Man With 10 Stone Testicles, Dies Aged 49
Huffington Post UK
No cause of death was officially announced, but Warren’s roommate, Joey Hurtado, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that Warren had suffered two heart attacks recently. “He was in the hospital for five and a half weeks,” Hurtado told the paper. “He had 

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50-60% of liver transplant patients in India are from foreign countries – India.Com Health

India.Com Health

50-60% of liver transplant patients in India are from foreign countries
India.Com Health
‘The reason India has emerged as a hub for liver transplant is because of the poor medical facilities in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Cambodia and other African nations,’ he added. (Read: Breakthrough which can (Read: Hundreds die in

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Veena Malik Trends High with Anti-India Post on Twitter – International Business Times, India Edition

International Business Times, India Edition

Veena Malik Trends High with Anti-India Post on Twitter
International Business Times, India Edition
Malik, better known for her dramatic antics has created a furore over her anti-India post on Twitter on Saturday. The Pakistani origin actress who has mostly starred in quite a few sleazy flicks in India wrote “India Sucks!” after retweeting the news