
Reg Green, Author of “The Gift that Heals,” Highlighted by Author Solutions … – PR Web (press release)

Reg Green, Author of “The Gift that Heals,” Highlighted by Author Solutions
PR Web (press release)
Green, who self-published through AuthorHouse, has spent nearly 20 years raising awareness for organ donation through speeches and fundraising around the world. His tireless advocacy for the cause began with heartbreaking tragedy when in 1994 his 

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Response to: “Cash for Kidneys: The Case for a Market for Organs” – Social Work Helper

Response to: “Cash for Kidneys: The Case for a Market for Organs
Social Work Helper
And, in light of the authors’ statement that “today, the rich often don’t wait as long as others for organs since some of them go to countries such as India, where they can arrange for transplants in the underground medical sector,” I see evidence of


Facebook creates election tracker as a guide for India's 814 million eligible … – Tech in Asia

Tech in Asia

Facebook creates election tracker as a guide for India’s 814 million eligible
Tech in Asia
Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) wants to be at the heart of that debate – and get a leg up over Twitter and other social media rivals – right up to the final counting of the votes on May 16. The first seats open to votes on April 30, making it a marathon national

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