
I saw organ donations save others – then a transplant eventually saved my life – Bedford Today

Bedford Today

I saw organ donations save others – then a transplant eventually saved my life
Bedford Today
For the next four years he decided to control his condition through medication, until he fell seriously ill on a family holiday to India in 2010 and was unable to fly home. When he eventually returned he was put onto the transplant list, but it wasn’t

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Step Up and Speak Out Radio Show interviews world Dr. Christine Overton – MyCentralJersey.com

Step Up and Speak Out Radio Show interviews world Dr. Christine Overton
Dr. Christien Overton, former president and chief executive officer of the United International Chamber of Commerce, will be a guest on Hunterdon Chamber Radio’s show ‘Speak up and Step Out’ on Tuesday, Feb. 18. / PHOTO COURTESY OF THE 

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