
Man grows new nose on forehead in China – Telegraph.co.uk

Vancouver Sun

Man grows new nose on forehead in China
by placing a skin tissue expander on his forehead, doctors then cut it into the shape of a nose and implanted cartilage. The surgeons say the new nose is in good shape after nine months of growth and the transplant surgery should be carried out
Surgeons grow new nose on patient to replace old oneVancouver Sun
Doctors grow artificial nose on Chinese man’s forehead!Jagran Post
Chinese Man Has New Nose Grown on Forehead for 9 MonthsNew Tang Dynasty Television

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New nose grown on man's forehead – CANOE


New nose grown on man’s forehead
The new nose is grown by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian’s forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting a cartilage taken from his ribs. The surgeons said that the new nose is in good shape and the transplant surgery could be 
Nose grown on man’s foreheadCBC.ca
Chinese doctors grow new nose on patient’s foreheadGlobalnews.ca
Chinese man has new nose grown on his foreheadMetro
The Inquisitr
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Nose grown on man's forehead – CBC.ca


Nose grown on man’s forehead
A man in China has a new nose growing on his forehead in preparation for transplant surgery, doctors say. The 22-year-old, named Xiaolian, lost his original nose after a car collision last year. Surgeons were unable to repair his severe nasal trauma
Chinese man has nose grown on foreheadMalta Independent Online
Chinese man has new nose grown on his foreheadMetro
Man Grows New Nose on ForeheadNature World News
Toronto Sun
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Xiaolian, Chinese Man, Grows New Nose On Forehead (VIDEO) – Huffington Post UK

BBC News

Xiaolian, Chinese Man, Grows New Nose On Forehead (VIDEO)
Huffington Post UK
A Chinese man has grown a new nose on his forehead. Astonishing images showing what may be the most extreme nose job yet,have revealed Xiaolian at a hospital in Fuzhou, Fujian province, as doctors check on his progress ahead of transplant surgery.
Amazing photos show man’s new nose grown on his foreheadAtlanta Journal Constitution
Man has nose growing on his facefox2now.com
Chinese Man, Xiaolian, Grows New Nose On Forehead [PHOTOS]International Business Times
The Frisky
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