
Chinese man has new nose grown on his forehead – Evening Standard

Evening Standard

Chinese man has new nose grown on his forehead
Evening Standard
Highly trained: Specialists say the new nose has developed well and transplant surgery will soon be underway A skin tissue expander was placed under Xiaolian’s forehead, which was later cut into the shape of a nose. Cartilage, taken from his ribs, was
Photos of the dayWashington Post
Doctors grow nose on man’s foreheadNew York Post
Doctors Grow New Nose On Forehead Of Chinese Man, Xiaolian, To Replace Medical Daily
International Business Times
all 19 news articles »

Damages Cap Blocks $12M Award for Baby's Botched Surgery – Lawyers.com Blog (blog)

Lawyers.com Blog (blog)

Damages Cap Blocks $12M Award for Baby’s Botched Surgery
Lawyers.com Blog (blog)
But the state has a cap on damages by public entities, such as the public hospital in this case, of $3 million — an amount that doesn’t even cover the boy’s transplant surgery. Lori Horton in 2009 felt a lump on her 6-month-old son, Tyson, that turned