
Research: Some African American liver recipients fare better with organ from … – The Advocate

Research: Some African American liver recipients fare better with organ from
The Advocate
“Hep C is a huge problem in New Orleans,” said Shores, who also is medical director of liver transplantation at Tulane Medical Center. “More African-Americans suffer from it, as do those in (other) large Southern cities, so all those rates come

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Heart transplant recipient works to help others live full lives – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Las Vegas Review-Journal

Heart transplant recipient works to help others live full lives
Las Vegas Review-Journal
Yet even Ham, the medical director for both the Nevada Donor Network and University Medical Center’s kidney transplantation program, admits he has a difficult time believing how normally Simon Keith — the 48-year-old chief operating officer of the


BioDiem Limited shows "proof of principle" in liver disease vaccine program – Proactive Investors Australia

BioDiem Limited shows “proof of principle” in liver disease vaccine program
Proactive Investors Australia
and liver cancer. In the U.S. alone there are an estimated 4.4 million people living with chronic hepatitis, most of which do not know they are infected – with viral hepatitis the leading cause of liver cancer and the most common reason for liver

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