
Pennsylvania Woman Finds Kidney Donor on Facebook – FOXNews

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Pennsylvania Woman Finds Kidney Donor on Facebook
A western Pennsylvania woman who turned to Facebook when she needed a kidney transplant found a donor online and is now recovering from surgery.
Facebook friend request leads to transplantPittsburgh Tribune-Review
Woman Gets New Kidney from Facebook PostChristian Broadcasting Network
Woman Offers Kidney To Facebook Friend In PittsburghWPXI Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh Post Gazette –WTAE Pittsburgh –KDKA
all 20 news articles »

Surgeons carry out world's first full face transplant – Telegraph.co.uk


Surgeons carry out world's first full face transplant
There have been partial face transplants before, but nothing like this," said a source at the Henri-Mondor. In late 2005 Isabelle Dinoire, now 43,
French surgical team performs full-face transplant, including eyelids and tear FOXNews
Doctors perform face transplant with eyelidsmsnbc.com
Groundbreaking Face Transplant Includes Eyelids, Tear DuctsFOXNews

all 493 news articles »