
'Salvaged' lung used in UK transplant – BBC News

BBC News

'Salvaged' lung used in UK transplant
BBC News
Donor lungs normally rejected as too damaged can now be 'reconditioned' for transplant, say doctors. Cystic fibrosis patient James Finlayson is the first in
British patient given 'resuscitated' lungsTelegraph.co.uk
Lung repair first for transplant doctorsNorthern Echo
Experts breathe life into lungsThe Press Association
Journal of American Medical Association (subscription) –Times of India
all 27 news articles »


Make New Year resolution to join Organ Donor Register – GazetteLive

The Guardian

Make New Year resolution to join Organ Donor Register
THE mum of a desperately ill young woman awaiting a transplant is hoping Teessiders will make a lifesaving New Year's resolution.
Organ Donor Register sees sharp rise in membersThe Guardian
Mums in plea for organ donorsSunderland Echo
'Give our little girl the gift of life in 2010'Bradford Telegraph Argus
Liverpool Daily Post –Ipswich Queensland Times
all 8 news articles »


AMA pushes organ donation talks – Ipswich Queensland Times

The Guardian

AMA pushes organ donation talks
Ipswich Queensland Times
Organ donation can save a life and improve the quality of life for many more people. It's an issue that every family should discuss,” Dr Pesce said.
Organ Donor Register sees sharp rise in membersThe Guardian
Royal Liverpool Hospital doctor Arpan Guha launches organ donor campaignLiverpool Daily Post
'Give our little girl the gift of life in 2010'Bradford Telegraph Argus

all 8 news articles »


Israeli organ donors to get transplant priority – BBC News

The Takeaway

Israeli organ donors to get transplant priority
BBC News
Writing in The Lancet, Professor Jacob Lavee, of the Sheba Medical Centre, one of the leading advocates for the reform, describes Israel's organ donation
Abortion or Organ Donation?Gather.com
Transplant expert back calls for organ donation systemJournal Live
Israeli organ donor card signers to get priorityCTV.ca
Hartford Courant –Wall Street Journal (blog) –Huntsville Item
all 30 news articles »