
Mum celebrates 10-year anniversary of life saving kidney transplant – Wirral News

Mum celebrates 10-year anniversary of life saving kidney transplant
Wirral News
A MUM celebrating 10 years since having a kidney transplant says she is “so lucky and grateful”. Gill Nowell, of Upton, might not be here if it wasn't for
Help save my lifeManchester Evening News
Selling organs a viable option to save thousands of livesThe Daily Athenaeum
On the occasion of World Organ Donor Day, doctors tried to create awareness Indian Express

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First heart transplant wasn'ta big deal – Barnard brother – Primedia Broadcasting – Eyewitness News

First heart transplant wasn'ta big deal – Barnard brother
Primedia Broadcasting – Eyewitness News
Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the world's first heart transplant, which was performed at the Groote Schuur Hospital in the Western Cape.
Call for organ donors as breakthrough markedWeekend Post
This day in history: December 3WKOW-TV.com

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Israel: A Father Donates a Kidney & Liver to His Son – Yeshiva World News

Yeshiva World News

Israel: A Father Donates a Kidney & Liver to His Son
Yeshiva World News
Eitan Mor, who heads Beilinson's transplant department explained on Tuesday that to date, patients received multiple organs from deceased donors, and now,
Live donor first in Israel: Father gives his son two organsHa’aretz
Father donates liver lobe and later a kidney to ailing sonJerusalem Post

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