
‘Man with angel’s arm’: Artist turns blood donor — 156 donations in 37 years – Kashmir Reader

Kashmir Reader

‘Man with angel’s arm’: Artist turns blood donor — 156 donations in 37 years
Kashmir Reader
From Downtown Srinagar, this papier-mâché artist began donating blood when he was 28-years-old. As time passed, more donors joined him: he now leads 2100 volunteers across Kashmir who are available during emergencies for blood donation. His last …


Baltimore archdiocese refuses to release files of deceased priest accused of abuse – Catholic Culture

Baltimore archdiocese refuses to release files of deceased priest accused of abuse
Catholic Culture
CWN Editor’s Note: The archdiocese turned down a petition for personnel files involving the late Father A. Joseph Maskell, who died in 2001, having denied allegations of abuse. A spokesman for the archdiocese said that although the accusations are

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