
5th face transplant surgery begins – www.worldbulletin.net


5th face transplant surgery begins
Turkish Health Minister Muezzinoglu also commented on the 5th face transplant surgery in Turkey, praising Prof. Dr. Omer Ozkan and his team. “Turkey has made a long way in plastic surgery. We have now ambulance planes, ambulance helicopters and 
Patient given Polish tourist’s face in fifth face transplant operation in TurkeyHurriyet Daily News

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Was told Ship of Theseus will be commercially unviable: Anand Gandhi – Hindustan Times

Hindustan Times

Was told Ship of Theseus will be commercially unviable: Anand Gandhi
Hindustan Times
Organ transplantation became the clearest narrative metaphor for representing this flux in the constantly changing body, because the change is immediate and visible.” With its expansive shots and interplay of light and shadow – courtesy Pankaj He

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