
Detroit organ donor to be honored on a float at the Rose Parade – Detroit Free Press

San Francisco Chronicle

Detroit organ donor to be honored on a float at the Rose Parade
Detroit Free Press
Even though an asthma attack ended her life at age 28, Kristen Michelle Joe is still credited with saving at least four others — as an organ donor. On New Year’s Day, the Detroit woman and 71 other donors across the country will be memorialized in
Detroit organ donor remembered on parade floatMyFox Detroit
Kerala’s transplant registry comes aliveThe Hindu

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Doctors fear Delhi gangrape victim heading towards multiple organ failure – India Today

India Today

Doctors fear Delhi gangrape victim heading towards multiple organ failure
India Today
They fear the victim, admitted in the ICU, may be heading towards multiple organ failure as her condition further deteriorated on Monday. “She is in a serious condition. She is suffering internal bleeding as the coagulation capacity of her body has
Gangrape survivor remains critical, doctors fear organ failureHindustan Times
Rape victim’s condition continues to be critical: DoctorsTimes of India
Rape victim’s condition continues to be criticalThe Hindu
Daily News & Analysis
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Detroit organ donor remembered on Tournament of Roses Parade float – MLive.com


Detroit organ donor remembered on Tournament of Roses Parade float
Kristen Michelle Joe.jpg In an undated photo provided by the Joe family, Kristen Michelle Joe is shown. After an asthma attack ended her own life at age 28, Kristen was credited with saving at least four others as an organ donor. On New Year’s Day
Detroit organ donor remembered on parade floatMyFox Detroit
Kerala’s transplant registry comes aliveThe Hindu

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Ahmedabad doctor puts dissolvable stents in NRI's heart – Times of India

Planet Powai

Ahmedabad doctor puts dissolvable stents in NRI’s heart
Times of India
What made him take the first available flight to Ahmedabad was the fact that bio-absorbable stents were given the commercial nod in India two days back while it will still take a good two years for the same to be approved in US. “Absorbable stents
Hiranandani Hospital, Powai – first in India to implant dissolving STENT in heartPlanet Powai

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Myths and misconceptions of organ donation – North County Times

Myths and misconceptions of organ donation
North County Times
Print Email. 2012-12-24T06:00:00Z 2012-12-24T15:15:34Z Myths and misconceptions of organ donationR.J. Ignelzi North County Times. 9 hours ago • R.J. Ignelzi · (0) Comments. No matter how impressive your holiday bounty, it’s doubtful it can compare with
Give the ultimate gift this ChristmasThe Border Mail

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