Just a few months old, he spent 19 days on waiting list.
Norman woman grateful for donor organs
Nita French said Thanksgiving is a good time for families to talk about organ donation.
Consider Organ Donation! – Westside Today
CBS LocalConsider Organ Donation!Westside TodayAfter reading the article 'Kevin & Bean' co-host 'Bean' Baxter to donate kidney to KROQ DJlatimes.com/entertainment/music/posts/la-et-ms-kroq-kevin-and-bean-20121102,0,3328432.story in …
The Bristol Post published Our boy is desperate for a heart transplant
THE family of a Bristol student in desperate need of a heart transplant are appealing for more youngsters to sign the organ donor…
HeartWare Device Approved for Heart Transplant Hopefuls
Title: HeartWare Device Approved for Heart Transplant Hopefuls Category: Health News Created: 11/20/2012 4:36:00 PM Last Editorial Review: 11/21/2012 12:00:00 AM
Losing job causes heart attack? – India Today
India TodayLosing job causes heart attack?India TodayResearchers found that being out of work was associated with an increased risk of heart attack, and this risk rose each extra time someone was fired or made redundant. Dr Matthew Dupre and colleagues…
Human hearts can withstand box jellyfish sting – NEWS.com.au
NEWS.com.auHuman hearts can withstand box jellyfish stingNEWS.com.auQueensland Tropical Health Alliance Associate Professor Jamie Seymour, who supervised the study, says the research could also be beneficial in heart transplant surgery as a heart needs…
Heart can restart after deadly sting – The Australian
Heart can restart after deadly stingThe AustralianQueensland Tropical Health Alliance Associate Professor Jamie Seymour, who supervised the study, says the research could also be beneficial in heart transplant surgery as a heart needs to be temporarily…
Justice family isn't done with giving back just yet – The Westerly Sun
Justice family isn't done with giving back just yetThe Westerly SunAfter a month of treatment, including a stem cell transplant, at Dana-Farber and two months' recovery at home, she has remained healthy and busy as ever at the restaurant, but t…
Winter smog is not an act of God (Comment) – Newstrack India
Winter smog is not an act of God (Comment)Newstrack IndiaThis year's smog has been particularly severe because overall pollution levels in the city have gone up manifold ? the tiny particle less than 10 micron size (PM10) that goes deep inside the …