An unprecedented method of turning a sliver of skin into a protein manufacturing plant has been advancing in the process of clinical testing for entry into the hundred billion dollar plus protein therapy …
Health Check: Transplant recipient urges blood donation – Turn to 10
Health Check: Transplant recipient urges blood donation
Turn to 10 Her name is Wendy Foley, and until two-and-a-half years ago she lived on oxygen around the clock and walking was a struggle. She was in heart failure. She was diagnosed during her second pregnancy in October 2003. “I was not able to continue the … |
Donation of organs directed to the needy – Chinadaily USA
Donation of organs directed to the needyChinadaily USAOf the donations, 47.5 percent came after cardiac death and 43.5 percent after both cardiac and brain death. Those after brain death accounted for the rest, statistics from the allocation system sho…
Auto-servo ventilation has no impact on heart failure in sleep apnea patients – ModernMedicine
Auto-servo ventilation has no impact on heart failure in sleep apnea patientsModernMedicineNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Auto-servo ventilation (ASV) did not improve ejection fraction or quality of life in a new study of patients with sleep apnea and hea…
ARRY-520 Shows Encouraging Early Results For Relapsed And Refractory … – The Myeloma Beacon
ARRY-520 Shows Encouraging Early Results For Relapsed And Refractory …The Myeloma BeaconIn addition, most patients had undergone an autologous stem cell transplant (81 percent in group 1 and 89 percent in group 2). During the course of the study, eve…
11-year-old Redmond boy receives heart transplant and a new lease on life
At around 8:30 p.m. on Nov. 27, the phone rang in the Richards’ household on Education Hill.
11-year-old Redmond boy receives heart transplant and a new lease on life – Redmond Reporter
11-year-old Redmond boy receives heart transplant and a new lease on life
Redmond Reporter The results came in early the next morning at 4 a.m., showing things were good to go and Jason’s heart transplant surgery was scheduled for 6 a.m. on Nov. 28. A LONG TIME COMING. Jason was born with Holt-Oram syndrome, a disorder that affects bones … |
Turkey: Becoming a Facial Hair Hub – EurasiaNet
Turkey: Becoming a Facial Hair Hub
EurasiaNet “After a successful hair transplant surgery, a man could also grow a Marx-like beard if he so wishes,” commented Tulunay. Tulunay and Mezdegi agreed that Turkish television shows, hugely popular in Arab countries, have influenced style trends, but … |
SBEU's blood donation drive at Plaza Merdeka – BorneoPost Online | Borneo … – The Borneo Post
SBEU’s blood donation drive at Plaza Merdeka – BorneoPost Online | Borneo …
The Borneo Post KUCHING: The newly-opened Plaza Merdeka will be the venue for Sarawak Bank Employees’ Union (SBEU)’s annual blood donation drive today. More than 100 SBEU members, their families and members of the public are expected to come forward to … |
Hard-To-Treat Myc-Driven Cancers May Be Susceptible to Drug Already Used in … – Science Daily (press release)
Hard-To-Treat Myc-Driven Cancers May Be Susceptible to Drug Already Used in …Science Daily (press release)McArthur and his colleagues tested their hypothesis in a mouse model of Myc-driven lymphoma and found that treatment with everolimus provided st…