Heidi Blackwell is in Tulsa recovering from a kidney transplant. Blackwell was featured in a Dec. 8 …
GIFT OF LIFE – Trinidad News
Trinidad News In a release, the ministry said two patients underwent successful transplant surgery on Monday and Tuesday at the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC), Mt Hope. “Both are recovering well and remain under continued care of the medical team … |
Boy who received heart transplant inspires Bakersfield girl
A brave little boy from Oildale who had a heart transplant, has made a big impact on a Bakersfield girl. The fifth grader is now encouraging people to learn about organ donation. 6-year-old Caleb Morgan and 10-year-old Mariah Andriano don’t go to the same school. They were strangers, until Mariah was inspired by Caleb’s story of survival on 17 News. Four months ago, 17 News followed Caleb for …
Organ-donor saves two renal patients – Trinidad Guardian
Organ-donor saves two renal patientsTrinidad GuardianThe Ministry of Health is urging citizens to consider becoming organ-donors. A press release from the Corporate Communications Unit of the Ministry of Health yesterday said the family members of a de…
Great Falls girl receives heart transplant
After living with half of a heart for her whole life, 5-year old Carla Wright of Great Falls girl has received a transplant.
Tanzania, India in alliance to reassure heart patients – Daily News
Daily NewsTanzania, India in alliance to reassure heart patientsDaily NewsCARDIAC or heart complications may not be the number one killer in the country. It may not be one of the top killers in the community either. But there can be no doubt that heart…
Cadaver shortage hits research in medical colleges – Times of India
Cadaver shortage hits research in medical colleges
Times of India RAIPUR: For a country with a population of over 1.2 billion and thousands dying everyday it is rather ironical that its medical colleges and research institutions don’t have enough cadavers (dead bodies) for research, let alone organ donations … |
Heart transplant gives Vizag a shot in the arm – Times of India
Heart transplant gives Vizag a shot in the armTimes of IndiaThese included certification by two independent neurologists about the brain death, counselling of relatives of the brain dead person for organ donation. The third step was identification of t…
More organ donor registrations urged for New Yorkers – Mid-Hudson News
![]() Mid-Hudson News |
More organ donor registrations urged for New Yorkers
Mid-Hudson News Representatives from the New York Organ Donor Network will be on hand to discuss the issue with interested parties at Adam’s Fairacre Farm stores in Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Lake Katrine and Wappinger. The effort is co-sponsored by New York Organ … |
Sandeen makes it onto heart transplant list
Alyssa, 22, who was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at age 8, is on the heart donor list,