
US doctors defeat leukemia with modified HIV

NEW YORK, Dec 12 — US doctors say they have saved a seven-year-old girl who was close to dying from leukemia by pioneering the use of an unlikely ally: a modified form of the HIV virus. After fighting her disease with chemotherapy for almost two years and suffering two relapses, the young girl “faced grim prospects,” doctors at Children’s Hospital …


HK Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service launches 1212 blood donation … – 7thSpace Interactive (press release)

HK Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service launches 1212 blood donation
7thSpace Interactive (press release)
He said that having a companion to give blood with is not only a beautiful experience but is also conducive to fostering a regular blood donation habit. As such, the BTS has chosen today to promote “companion blood donation” as a joint effort to help
Local blood donors ‘gifted’ opportunity to dedicate their donation to someone mySteinbach.ca (blog)

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