HealioDrug combination acts against aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemiaOutcome Magazine (blog)12/10/2012 A two-prong approach combining ibrutinib and rituximab (Rituxin®) to treat aggressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) produced profound res…
Pakistan: Failure Of The Institutions Related To Rule Of Law – Scoop.co.nz (press release)
Pakistan: Failure Of The Institutions Related To Rule Of LawScoop.co.nz (press release)The most productive industry in the country is the manufacturing of explosives used by suicide bombers and this industry is financed by donations from vested interes…
Kidney surgery fundraiser gets strong response – Prince Albert Daily Herald
Prince Albert Daily HeraldKidney surgery fundraiser gets strong responsePrince Albert Daily HeraldOrganized to help Esquire II Stylist owner Quincy Kokoski travel to Ontario with a family member for her nephrectomy, the event — held at Zorba's Res…
Teenage Organ Donor Honored at Rose Parade – Capital Public Radio News
Teenage Organ Donor Honored at Rose ParadeCapital Public Radio NewsSantana's mother, Deanna says the family had talked about organ donation, but didn't know he had agreed to be an organ donor, "When Scott was pronounced brain dead, we sort…
Bone marrow transplant cures girl
Brygette Park is ‘basically a normal kindergarten student’ after a bone marrow transplant in 2010.
Rose Parade flower portrait honors local organ donor Danny Bost – Winston-Salem Journal
WFMY News 2Rose Parade flower portrait honors local organ donor Danny BostWinston-Salem JournalShe had become an organ donor herself because “somebody could use something I didn't need any more.” Two different people … She encouraged people t…
TN beats Maharashtra in cadaver organ transplants – Times of India
TN beats Maharashtra in cadaver organ transplantsTimes of IndiaThe GR has also clarified the procedure for declaration of brain death which requires certification by a team of four doctors (including a neurologist) to conduct and submit the apnoea repo…
Atmore Man In Need of Lung Transplant
The website is called GiveForward.com, and one woman from Atmore is hoping it will help to save her husband's life.
ESME Think Tank Closing; Donations Go to ME Rituximab Project – ProHealth
ESME Think Tank Closing; Donations Go to ME Rituximab ProjectProHealthESME's website [http://esme-eu.com] will be accessible for approximately 1 year, but no new information will be added. The donations that were given to ESME will be given to a pr…
Trial of 5-Minute Subcutaneous Rituximab Injection: Positive Results – ProHealth
Trial of 5-Minute Subcutaneous Rituximab Injection: Positive ResultsProHealthDec 8: Basil, Switzerland-based Roche pharmaceuticals company reports positive results from two international phase III trials of its MabThera – a form of rituximab that can…