Tina's Ridge: Holiday Potluck at Indian Lake EstatesNews ChiefClub members will pack and assemble 110 Christmas stockings for children served by La Familia Head Start in Dundee. The General Federation of Women's Clubs promotes charitable donati…
Ruth Johnson: Almost half-million sign up as organ donors in 2012 – Lansing State Journal
Ruth Johnson: Almost half-million sign up as organ donors in 2012Lansing State JournalWhen I started as Michigan's Secretary of State two years ago, I thought I knew about organ donation. But that first hug from a 10-year-old boy — all smiles and…
'Rural India needs more awareness on cardiac disease' – Times of India
Times of India'Rural India needs more awareness on cardiac disease'Times of IndiaThe urban-rural divide in India is quickly disappearing as far as cardiac diseases are concerned, with many village residents acquiring risk factors for heart dise…
Organ donor to be honored – Salina.com
Organ donor to be honoredSalina.comSOLOMON –¬ Good days outnumber those wrought with despair in the Jim and Tammy Mitchell family, as they deal with the loss of their son. As the second anniversary — Dec. 19 — looms of Landon Mitchell's death i…
Genetic susceptibility to anthracycline-related congestive heart failure (CHF … – Medical Xpress
Genetic susceptibility to anthracycline-related congestive heart failure (CHF …Medical XpressResearchers have identified specific genetic factors that are associated with heart failure in patients who have undergone hematopoietic stem cell transplant…
Paul Cox keen to shoot his next film in Kerala – Zee News
Zee NewsPaul Cox keen to shoot his next film in KeralaZee NewsPaul Cox keen to shoot his next film in Kerala Thiruvananthapuram: Australian filmmaker Paul Cox, who mesmerised world cinema buffs with a handful of poetic films like 'Innocence', i…
Centre to help spur Sabah organ pledges – Daily Express
Centre to help spur Sabah organ pledgesDaily Express"There is no legal or religious obstacle and there is presently a consensus on brain death which is essential to cadaveric organ retrieval. There are no major ethical issues in cadaveric transpla…
Related Search Results – Yahoo! Sports
Related Search ResultsYahoo! Sports… regressing and acting like the Roman's in their head bashing sports where we are not far removed as most people go there to see people get really thrashed with broken bones and maybe a injury that leads to bra…
Connections, but no kidney for Darmstadt couple
So far Darmstadt resident Lisa Keck hasn't succeeded in getting a kidney transplant, but her long plight has brought her new friends and prayer support from hundreds of strangers across the Tri-State and nation — from Arizona and Utah to Pennsylv…
The best gift ever – Marquette Mining Journal
Marquette Mining JournalThe best gift everMarquette Mining JournalA kidney. After more than three long years of waiting, Mulder, 33, is scheduled to receive a kidney from a most special donor, her younger sister Carrie, 30, in transplant surgery schedu…