AUSTIN — Rodney Parrish considers himself lucky. About twenty years ago, both of his kidneys failed. Doctors put him on a transplant waiting list and dialysis to keep him alive. Less than a year later, the husband and father got good news. “It took …
Kimberly woman 'in good spirits' after transplant surgery – Appleton Post Crescent
Kimberly woman 'in good spirits' after transplant surgeryAppleton Post CrescentA Kimberly woman who drew nationwide media attention for using a billboard to find a kidney donor finally received a new organ Wednesday during a successful four-hou…
Eastday-9 convicted in illegal kidney transplant
Nine people were convicted on Nov 29 in the illegal transplant and sale of a teenager's kidney. Seven of those convicted face one to five years in prison, and two others face fines, according to
Recovering Bean to skip OC KROQ event – OCRegister
Recovering Bean to skip OC KROQ eventOCRegisterGene (Bean) Baxter is recovering from kidney transplant surgery in which one of his kidneys was donated to KROQ engineer Scott Mason. Recovery is going slow, so Bean decided to pass on being in Fullerton N…
Insulin free for two years after new procedure
A ground-breaking procedure has radically altered the life of a Port Alberni man who struggled with Type 1 diabetes.
Trinidad hunger striker vows to continue protest over highway as doctor warns … – Washington Post
Trinidad GuardianTrinidad hunger striker vows to continue protest over highway as doctor warns …Washington PostPORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad — An environmental activist who has been on a hunger strike for more than two weeks vowed Thursday to press on ev…
Face-transplant recipient to wed fellow burn victim
Following a severe construction accident in 2008 when he came in contact with a high-voltage power line, Dallas Wiens from North Texas underwent a full face transplant. Four years later, Wiens is engaged to marry fellow burn patient, Jamie Nash.
Loss of gene expression may trigger cardiovascular disease –
Loss of gene expression may trigger cardiovascular diseaseBizcommunity.comNeointima formation underlies a number of common diseases, including narrowing of arteries and other valves after angioplasty or stent implantation, hypertension, atherosclerosis…
Kidney Disease More Severe in Blacks Than Others: Study – U.S. News & World Report
Kidney Disease More Severe in Blacks Than Others: StudyU.S. News & World ReportThe rate of chronic kidney disease among blacks is similar to that of other Americans, but it's more likely to progress to kidney failure among blacks. The lifetime inci…
Stem Cell Banks Envisioned for Regenerative Medicine –
Stem Cell Banks Envisioned for Regenerative MedicineHealthCanal.comHLA matching is unlikely to solve all of the immune rejection issues that may arise with stem cell transplantation, Rao explained, but new strategies being developed to prevent transpla…