New Delhi, Nov 29 (IANS) A 12−year−old Sudanese boy got a new lease of life following a combined liver and kidney transplant with the organs donated by his two sisters at a hospital here, doctors said Thursday.
Donate Life? A Heart Donor's Sister Finds Comfort in Someone Else's Gift – LifeGoesStrong
LifeGoesStrongDonate Life? A Heart Donor's Sister Finds Comfort in Someone Else's GiftLifeGoesStrongAfter heart transplant surgery, here's the heart Lynn wears as a reminder of her journey. Share This Story. Email · Pinterest ·…
Indian nurse goes missing in S Arabia after 'forced' kidney operation – Daily News & Analysis
Indian nurse goes missing in S Arabia after 'forced' kidney operationDaily News & AnalysisMystery clouds the case of a 23-year old Indian nurse, Tanaz Shaikh, who went missing in Saudia Arabia following 'forced' kidney extraction. Tanaz…
Indian nurse goes missing in Saudi Arabia following 'forced' kidney extraction – Zee News
Indian nurse goes missing in Saudi Arabia following 'forced' kidney extractionZee NewsIndian nurse goes missing in Saudi Arabia following 'forced' kidney extraction Belgaum (Karnataka): Mystery clouds the case of a 23-year old Indian nu…
iPS Cells Will Make Organ Transplants From Brain Dead Patients Redundant – The Libertyweb GLOBAL
The Libertyweb GLOBALiPS Cells Will Make Organ Transplants From Brain Dead Patients RedundantThe Libertyweb GLOBALIn particular, brain death organ transplants, which are associated with various problems, will no longer be needed due to the practical ap…
Herb could offer hope for lung disease sufferers – Times of India
Herb could offer hope for lung disease sufferersTimes of IndiaMUMBAI: Researchers in Sydney are recruiting ex-smokers for a new study into the use of a traditional Chinese herb for lung disease. The three-year clinical trial is investigating whether gi…
Cytokinetics Announces Opening of Third and Final Cohort in ATOMIC-AHF – Reuters
Cytokinetics Announces Opening of Third and Final Cohort in ATOMIC-AHFReutersIndependent Data Monitoring Committee Recommends Progression in Ongoing Phase IIb Clinical Trial of Intravenous Form of Omecamtiv Mecarbil in Patients with Acute Heart Failure…
Eating fish helps prevent heart disease – Times of India
Times of IndiaEating fish helps prevent heart diseaseTimes of IndiaThe review concluded that both fish consumption and dietary omega-3 fatty acid supplements may still help prevent heart disease; that some fatty acids, from certain sources, are more ef…
Indian nurse goes missing in Saudi Arabia following 'forced' kidney extraction – TruthDive
Indian nurse goes missing in Saudi Arabia following 'forced' kidney extractionTruthDiveBelgaum (Karnataka), Nov 29 (ANI): Mystery clouds the case of a 23-year old Indian nurse, Tanaz Shaikh, who went missing in Saudia Arabia, following 'for…
Kentville getting new dialysis facility
times a week, is shown outside the Valley Regional Hospital on Wednesday. The province plans to spend $1 million building a new dialysis unit in Kentville.