A mother with kidney failure has been saved from the brink of death by a pioneering operation.
Dance class tapping away for India trip – Ripon Today
Ripon TodayDance class tapping away for India tripRipon Today… Andrew Pease and Basil Taylor-Scorpe will set out for India on Boxing Day, where they plan to drive in a tuc tuc with no accommodation, very little luggage and no road markings or signs. …
Doc Behind 1st Kidney Transplant Dies
Dr. Joseph Murray, Nobel winner who performed 1st successful kidney transplant, dies in Boston
Organ Transplant Pioneer Joseph Murray Dies
The doctor who won a Nobel Prize for performing the first ever successful organ transplant has died at the age of 93.
Kidney transplant pioneer Joseph Murray dies
"Kidney transplants seem so routine now," Murray told The New York Times after he won the Nobel. "But the first one was like Lindbergh’s flight across the ocean."
Finally, a potential vaccine against kala azar – Zee News
Zee NewsFinally, a potential vaccine against kala azarZee NewsFinally, a potential vaccine against kala azar Kolkata: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB) here claim to have hit the bull`s eye with a potential vaccine directed …
Organ donor escapes jail sentence – The Bolton News
Organ donor escapes jail sentenceThe Bolton NewsA TEENAGE robber has escaped a jail sentence – because he saved his young cousin's life with an organ donation. The 12-year-old girl was seriously ill with liver problems and doctors found that Kyle T…
Eating grapefruit with medicines 'can be deadly' – Business Standard
Eating grapefruit with medicines 'can be deadly'Business StandardPress Trust of India / Toronto November 27, 2012, 15:25 … Commonly prescribed statins have a high to very-high risk of interacting with grapefruit and causing rhabdomyolysis, a …
Fundraising sought to help pay for Providence toddler's transplant – The Providence Journal
Fundraising sought to help pay for Providence toddler's transplantThe Providence JournalPROVIDENCE, R.I. — Volunteers and donors are sought to help pay transplant expenses for a toddler who had a stem-cell transplant in September to fight neurobla…
Hospitals, NGO representatives pledge to donate their organs – Times of India
Hospitals, NGO representatives pledge to donate their organsTimes of IndiaBANGALORE: With Karnataka lacking behind in organ donation compared to the neighbouring state Tamil Nadu several private hospitals, healthcare professionals, NGO's, media and…