Experimental technology could transform field of lung transplantation. First there was the "heart in a box," a revolutionary experimental technology that allows donor hearts to be delivered to transplant recipients warm and beating rather tha…
Indian woman missing after 'forced' kidney extraction – The Asian Age
Indian woman missing after 'forced' kidney extractionThe Asian AgeBelgaum has barely recovered from the grief of a botched pregnancy that led to the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland when it has to grapple with the trauma of a mother whos…
UCSF Medical Center program slashes heart failure readmissions – Healthcare Finance News
UCSF Medical Center program slashes heart failure readmissionsHealthcare Finance NewsSAN FRANCISCO – With the implementation of a grant-funded program to reduce hospital readmissions for elderly patients with heart failure, the University of Californ…
UNMC study to examine exercise in heart failure patients – Lincoln Journal Star
UNMC study to examine exercise in heart failure patientsLincoln Journal StarThe 5-year clinical research study into long-term adherence to exercise in heart failure patients will be done at Bryan Heart in Lincoln and in Detroit at Wayne State Universit…
Indian woman missing after 'forced' kidney extraction – Deccan Chronicle
Indian woman missing after 'forced' kidney extractionDeccan ChronicleBelgaum has barely recovered from the grief of a botched pregnancy that led to the death of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland when it has to grapple with the trauma of a mother w…
'Tumor Paint' research of pediatric oncologist Jim Olson featured in short … – Hutchinson Center A Life of Science
Hutchinson Center A Life of Science'Tumor Paint' research of pediatric oncologist Jim Olson featured in short …Hutchinson Center A Life of ScienceThe Hutchinson Center's pioneering work in bone marrow transplantation led to the developmen…
ISOTECHNIKA PHARMA INC : 26 Nov 2012 – Isotechnika Cleared by FDA to … – 4-traders
ISOTECHNIKA PHARMA INC : 26 Nov 2012 – Isotechnika Cleared by FDA to …4-tradersThe primary endpoint of the trial will be defined as non-inferiority in biopsy proven acute rejection, or BPAR, episodes with patients receiving voclosporin for six months…
Douglas High student's artwork encouraging organ donation recognized – Reno Gazette-Journal
Douglas High student's artwork encouraging organ donation recognizedReno Gazette-JournalI combined individual images that represented what becoming an organ donor is all about,” Mora said in a statement released by CTDN. He is a student of Dougla…
UCLA Performs First 'Breathing Lung' Transplant in United States
Experimental technology could transform field of lung transplantation.
Move to amend blood donation rules doesn't go far enough, says thwarted donor – Global Toronto
Move to amend blood donation rules doesn't go far enough, says thwarted donorGlobal TorontoMove to amend blood donation rules doesn't go far enough, says thwarted donor. Jamie Hall, Edmonton Journal : Monday, November 26, 2012 11:00 AM. Blood b…