Prevent it by avoiding risky behaviorNation on SundayAlthough the prevalence rate is low compared to the spiraling numbers in neighboring India, Thailand, Bangkok, Philippines, Malaysia, recent figures, however, point to the fact that it is now an emer…
Double-lung transplant gives Topeka girl, 12, new life
A 12-year-old Topeka girl has undergone a double-lung transplant in St. Louis.
Can a man die twice? The problem with 'brain death' – Catholic Culture
Catholic CultureCan a man die twice? The problem with 'brain death'Catholic CultureHis death was reported by Dr. Ernesto Torres, the director of the Centro Medico trauma center in Puerto Rico, who said Camacho had a heart attack and died a shor…
Five things to know about “Dallas” star Larry Hagman: – Salon
Five things to know about “Dallas” star Larry Hagman:SalonHagman was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and acknowledged that he drank heavily for years. He had a transplant after a malignant tumor was discovered in 1995, and it turned him into …
5 things to know about 'Dallas' star Larry Hagman – Salon
5 things to know about 'Dallas' star Larry HagmanSalonHagman was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and acknowledged that he drank heavily for years. He had a …. Tibetan Prime Minister Lobsang Sangay speaks during the Special International…
Has the apocalypse gone the way of vampires? – Salon
Has the apocalypse gone the way of vampires?SalonYes, if other cultures around the world could be thought of as the earth's brain, liver, kidneys, etc., America is most assuredly its dick. Especially considering the wars we've embroiled in sinc…
No Needless Mourning –
No Needless MourningAllAfrica.comThen they got referred to India for liver-related complications. The day after they got there he was given a thorough investigation, with all necessary tests conducted. The following morning the doctor overseeing his ca…
Spain's King Juan Carlos has successful hip operation – Zee News
Spain's King Juan Carlos has successful hip operationZee NewsSpain`s King Juan Carlos has successful hip operation. Juan Carlos has had several health issues in the past two years, including knee surgery and the removal of a benign lung tumour. PTI…
Former PM IK Gujral in hospital, condition critical – India Today
India TodayFormer PM IK Gujral in hospital, condition criticalIndia TodayFormer Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral has been admitted to the Medicity Medanta Hospital here with a lung infection and his condition is said to be "serious". Gujral,…
'Transplant' was 'passion project' for Minneapolis filmmaker
"Transplant: A Gift for Life" was a labor of love for Minneapolis filmmaker Dennis "Denny" Mahoney.