IBNLiveChina to end dependence on condemned prisoners for organsIBNLiveThe move means there will be less reliance on the use of organ donations from prisoners that have been sentenced to death, state-run Xinhua news agency reported. China faced critici…
China says it will limit use of executed prisoners' organs – Yahoo! News (blog)
IBNLiveChina says it will limit use of executed prisoners' organsYahoo! News (blog)When expanded, the ministry's program, established with the Red Cross Society of China, will mean "less reliance on the use of organ donations from prisoner…
Dancing show in the street – This is Kent
This is KentDancing show in the streetThis is KentPupil Katie-Anne Rose, 12, had major surgery there to correct a curve in her spine that was crushing her organs. … "It's an amazing amount and I'm so grateful to everyone who donated.&quo…
New blood donation collection site ready – gulfnews.com
New blood donation collection site readygulfnews.comDubai: The new blood donation collection site on the premises of the General Directorate for Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) has been opened by the Dubai Health Authority. The site can accomm…
Herald Angel needs transplant
Craig Moseley hopes to stay home for the holidays, but isn’t sure if he’ll be celebrating Christmas in his house, or in a hospital bed.
China to end dependence on condemned prisoners for organs – Business Standard
China to end dependence on condemned prisoners for organsBusiness StandardFrom March 2010 to the end of September 2012, the trial consisted of 465 donation cases, which resulted in 1,279 organs being donated by members of the public, Huang Jiefu, vice …
Blood tests could replace biopsies by 2016 – The Province
Blood tests could replace biopsies by 2016The Province"About 10 per cent of patients have acute kidney rejection," said Tebbutt, a UBC associate professor of medicine. "The problem is you can only spot it once it's happening, and tis…
Emergency medics unsure about organ donation – Herald Sun
Emergency medics unsure about organ donationHerald Sun… organ and tissue donation at St Vincent's Hospital, Dr Sandra Neate, said 70 per cent of emergency clinicians felt they had received appropriate training but it was rarely used, as only 1 pe…
Diabetes is a public health disaster – Media For Freedom
Diabetes is a public health disasterMedia For FreedomDeveloping countries like China and India that are undergoing economic transition and are also high diabetes burden countries are likely to face the danger of getting their economic development of th…
VIDEO: Social network helps find kidney donor
A man has received a kidney transplant using an organ donated from an American cousin who saw a post on Facebook.