Two men with the same undiagnosed lung disease each received one lung from the same donor and formed a unique bond
Joe and Clyde: Lung transplant brothers
Two strangers who both had the same unnamed lung ailment received one lung each from a donor and have been connected because of it
Karmanos raises excellence with new ICU – The South End
Karmanos raises excellence with new ICUThe South EndIn 2005, Barry Cohn received a stem cell transplant, a high-dose chemo treatment that temporarily destroys the immune system, at Karmanos. Due to a high risk of infection from the rigorous treatment, …
Health News ā Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphocytes – Net Newsledger
Net NewsledgerHealth News ā Lymphoma is a cancer of the lymphocytesNet NewsledgerTreatment might involve chemotherapy and in some cases radiotherapy and/or bone marrow transplantation, and can be curable depending on the histology, type, and stage of…
23rd annual Meadows Turkey Bowl in Medina raises bone marrow donor … –
NewsNet5.com23rd annual Meadows Turkey Bowl in Medina raises bone marrow donor …NewsNet5.comWe look in the mirror and he's just like us. He's like a turkey bowler, so that's why it hit home for us for sure," Meadows said. Swank said …
Doctor: Puerto Rico boxer Camacho is brain dead – WGCL Atlanta
TIMEDoctor: Puerto Rico boxer Camacho is brain deadWGCL AtlantaTax increases could factor in MLB negotiations. By RONALD BLUM AP Sports Writer Team executives and agents wandered into the Agave Sunset lounge at the resort where the general managers'…
Doctor: Puerto Rico boxer Camacho is brain dead – WMBF
TIMEDoctor: Puerto Rico boxer Camacho is brain deadWMBFTax increases could factor in MLB negotiations. By RONALD BLUM AP Sports Writer Team executives and agents wandered into the Agave Sunset lounge at the resort where the general managers' meetin…
Thanksgiving 2012: Other Eating Feasts Around The World – Huffington Post
Thanksgiving 2012: Other Eating Feasts Around The WorldHuffington Post<em>Caption: Indian Hindu devotees offer prayers to the sun during the Chhath Festival on the banks of the Hussain Sagar lake in Hyderabad on November 19, 2012. … During the …
Ex-boxer Camacho shot, 'brain dead' –
ABC NewsEx-boxer Camacho shot, 'brain dead'UPI.comTorres said it was up to a neurologist to make an official proclamation of brain death, although he used the term "clinically brain dead" in his media appearance. The doctor said medic…
Philipe Haydon | Rock 'n' roll renegade – Livemint
LivemintPhilipe Haydon | Rock 'n' roll renegadeLivemintHaydon cites liver disorders as one of these instances. Liv.52, Himalaya's pill for liver disorders, is one of the best-selling drugs in India, raking in over Rs.165 crore in sales last…