When Paul Busch Sr. underwent a double lung transplant in March 2011, he hoped that someday he could return to bowling. To Busch, the game was so much more then just strikes and spares on a scoresheet.
Study: Paralyzed dogs walk again
A cell transplant procedure helped dogs with spinal cord injuries walk again, according to a recent study. …
Jastorff’s recovery off to a good start
Two weeks after her lung transplant, Robin Jastorff of Council Bluffs is on track with her recovery.
Classic car raffle to help veteran – Tiffin Advertiser Tribune
Tiffin Advertiser TribuneClassic car raffle to help veteranTiffin Advertiser TribuneThere is a possibility he can get a stem cell transplant. If his body is healthy enough, he has the opportunity of possibly going to Nashville, Tenn., to get the transp…
Boston and Cincinnati Children's Hospital to learn more about how autism … – News-Medical.net
Boston and Cincinnati Children's Hospital to learn more about how autism …News-Medical.netThis research demonstrated that everolimus, originally developed to prevent the rejection of transplanted organs, dramatically reduces a particular kind of …
Janssen receives positive opinion from EMA CHMP for ZYTIGA to treat mCRPC – News-Medical.net
Janssen receives positive opinion from EMA CHMP for ZYTIGA to treat mCRPCNews-Medical.netIf endorsed by the European Commission, the recommendation would expand the indication for ZYTIGA®, which is currently approved for use in combination with predni…
Tragic toddler Cillian (2) became real superhero with organ donation – Irish Independent
Tragic toddler Cillian (2) became real superhero with organ donationIrish Independent"We would encourage parents to consider that 'what if' scenario in the event that they had to confront the horrific situation of the loss of their child, …
Modern Workplace but traditional at heart – Teamlease Report – Equity Bulls
Modern Workplace but traditional at heart – Teamlease ReportEquity BullsTeamLease Services, India's largest composite staffing company, have released the findings of its latest survey 'Superstitions@Workplace' as part of its survey series t…
Tiny Columbia heart transplant patient has amazing stories to tell
Kathryn Ann, the daughter of Colleen and Stephen Mullis of Columbia and sister of 3-year-old Vann, seemed perfectly healthy at birth last spring. But her eight-week exam revealed life-threatening heart problems — an enlarged left ventricle, thickened…
Laos' divine sunsets at Mekong River
(Times of India) Let's face it. The eight-hour journey across eastern Laos to Luang Prabang, the city lovingly dubbed as the jewel of French Indochina was unforgettable for all the wrong reasons.