Kim Gabriel visits with Dart at Health First Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne. / Tim Shortt/FLORIDA TODAY Kim Gabriel, 54, has been awaiting a heart transplant after complications from open-heart surgery in 2011 severely damaged her heart.
Indian doc in US decodes cancer gene – Deccan Chronicle
Indian doc in US decodes cancer geneDeccan ChronicleIn a major study that could help treat lung cancer at the genetic level, an Indian-origin doctor in the US has, for the first time, landscaped the genome of cancer cells in both smokers and non-smoker…
First Mother-to-Daughter Uterus Transplants – Discovery News
First Mother-to-Daughter Uterus TransplantsDiscovery NewsTwo women now carry their mothers' wombs after successful transplant surgery in Sweden, the University of Gothenburg reports. It's a major step in a research project that surgeons had bee…
Waiting for a kidney transplant
Putting it mildly, Karen Raymer has been through the wringer and then some the last few years. She reads this column in the Clear Lake (Calif.) Observer American. "What I have is polycystic kidney disease," said 44-year-old Raymer. "It&#…
Organ donation hopefuls press for greater participation in Wayne County – The Detroit News
Organ donation hopefuls press for greater participation in Wayne CountyThe Detroit News"All of this attention to organ donation gives me more hope than ever for a transplant," Harris said. Starting Monday, the PSA should air on Comcast in Way…
Report: Nurse’s actions in botched kidney transplant ‘baffling’
A surgeon reviewing the University of Toledo Medical Center's kidney tansplant program called the actions of the nurse who accidentally disposed a usable kidney last month "baffling."
Patrick McMahon, Whistleblower, Claims Organ Donor Network Harvested From … – Huffington Post
SILive.comPatrick McMahon, Whistleblower, Claims Organ Donor Network Harvested From …Huffington PostPatrick McMahon, a former transplant coordinator for the nonprofit New York Organ Donor Network, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Supreme Court on Tuesday…
Spike in heart failures follows Japan's 2011 quake – Reuters India
Spike in heart failures follows Japan's 2011 quakeReuters IndiaNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Following the massive earthquake and tsunami of March, 2011, which devastated parts of eastern Japan, the number of heart failure cases spiked in Miyagi Pref…
Study of long-term kidney transplant failure funded by “researcher in training” program
A Southern Illinois University School of Medicine pediatrician is studying the leading cause of long-term failure of kidney transplants in children by following cases of children treated in St. Louis. Dr. Michael Seifert, who cares for patients at St. …
Julie Dawkins died of liver failure – This Is Hampshire
Julie Dawkins died of liver failureThis Is HampshireA DRINKER who struggled to get over the loss of her husband died of liver failure. Julie Dawkins, 62, was found dead on a sofa in the living room of her home in Bow Grove, Hook, on Monday, June 11. An…