Watch-and-wait OK in low-tumor burden follicular lymphomaMedical XpressAn initial watch-and-wait strategy does not have a detrimental effect on the freedom from treatment failure or overall survival rate in selected patients with low-tumor burden folli…
Even 5 year olds suffer heart damage – Times of India
Even 5 year olds suffer heart damageTimes of IndiaAnd the blood pressure and cholesterol of some was already so high that unless they change their lifestyles, they could be 40 per cent more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke in adulthood. &quo…
World first uterus transplant a lasting legacy – ABC Local
World first uterus transplant a lasting legacyABC LocalA Gold Coast obstetrician, who was part of a medical team to perform the world's first successful mother to daughter uterus transplant operation in Sweden earlier this month, says the success i…
Giving Hope to Heart, Kidney Patients in Lagos –
Giving Hope to Heart, Kidney Patients in LagosAllAfrica.comThe same statistics revealed that it cost an average of 12 pounds or $18,000 in the United States and Israel and about $12 in India to access treatment in the best government hospitals. Conside…
Nurse reportedly says she didn't realize she had accidentally thrown away donor kidney
A nurse who accidentally disposed of a living donor's kidney during a transplant said she didn't realize it was in the chilled, protective slush she disposed of.
With one liver, surgeons at KU Hospital save two lives – Kansas City Star
Kansas City StarWith one liver, surgeons at KU Hospital save two livesKansas City StarSchmitt said the risks associated with split-liver surgery are for the most part the same as any other liver transplant surgery. “Both patients should do just fine …
Lansing man in need of double lung transplant focused on his 12-year-old son
Roger Adams, 54, of Lansing, has COPD and breathes with the help of oxygen tanks. He is awaiting a double lung transplant. / MATTHEW DAE SMITH/for the Lansing State Journal
Robin Huebner Reports: 10-year-old Fargo boy with cystic fibrosis awaiting double lung transplant
FARGO – A double lung transplant could restore Jordan Peterson's childhood, which has been sidelined by major complications of an already devastating genetic disease. "I'd rather have a short and fun life than a long and boring life,"…
Home care better for heart failure – 6minutes
Home care better for heart failure6minutesHome-based care for patients with chronic heart failure leads to fewer days of hospitalisation and much lower healthcare costs compared to specialist clinic-based treatment, Australian researchers have found. R…
Uterus Transplant – Dr. Ash Hanafy – ABC Online (blog)
Uterus Transplant – Dr. Ash HanafyABC Online (blog)The world's first uterus transplant operations from mother to a daugther have been performed in Sweden. Gold Coast obstetrician Dr. Ash Hanafy was the only Australian doctor on the medical team who…