Dead yet? Science, scaremongering and organ donationThe ConversationAccording to the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, whole brain death is required for the legal determination of death in Australia and New Zealand. A patient must be d…
Quacks (mis)treat in the heart of India – Daily Pioneer
Quacks (mis)treat in the heart of IndiaDaily PioneerWith Government healthcare providers often failing to reach the rural poor in Chhattisgarh, jholachaap doctors who do not have a medical degree, are flourishing. This has exposed the locals to risks a…
India Inc rides high on operational gains – Business Standard
India Inc rides high on operational gainsBusiness StandardThe slowdown clouds are still hovering, as reflected in slowing sales growth. But India Inc can still take heart from its September quarter performance. Net profit has gone up 32 per cent, compa…
QoL Up for Live Liver Donors Versus General Population – Doctors Lounge
QoL Up for Live Liver Donors Versus General PopulationDoctors Lounge6 (HealthDay News) — Living liver donors from Japan have higher health-related quality of life (HRQOL) than the Japanese norm population, according to a study published in the Novembe…
Sports broadcaster donates kidney to daughter
Sports broadcaster and ex-Orioles exec Jim Duquette donates kidney to 10-year-old daughter who needed organ transplant to live
Blood donation sessions – Sleaford Today
Blood donation sessionsSleaford TodayThe next blood donation session will be held at the New Life Conference Centre on Mareham Lane, Sleaford. The sessions will be from 1pm-3.30pm and 5pm-8pm on Wednesday November 28. New donors are always needed by th…
The youngest ever patient to have a lung transplant for Wegener's disease decides to train as a doctor
Ayesha Ahmed, 19, from Newcastle, suffers from Wegener's disease, an inflammation of the blood vessels which attacks her lungs. She received a double lung transplant last year.
Depression Treatment Gives Heart Failure Patients a Boost – dailyRx
Depression Treatment Gives Heart Failure Patients a BoostdailyRx(dailyRx News) Depression can affect the health of heart failure patients, even impacting the quality of their lives. New research suggests managing depression may give patients a health b…
Sad Demise of Legendary Comedian Sikandar Sanam – Oye! Times
Business RecorderSad Demise of Legendary Comedian Sikandar SanamOye! TimesLegendary comedian, Sikandar SanamFamous comedian Sikandar Sanam who is known for doing parody of Bollywood film Tere Naam 2 and also for participating in The Great Indian Laught…
'Smallest baby' needs new heart
Smallest baby in western Europe waits for transplant